Diving in the Vinkeveense Plassen is diving in one of the most beautiful freshwater dive sites in the Netherlands. Responsible for the maintenance and management of the location Eiland 4 is the Recreatieschap Stichtse Groenlanden. A permit, with a diving token, is mandatory to dive in this spot. Divers are obliged to wear it and the BOA's of the recreation board check this.
Diving zone and permit at Zandeiland 4
The Vinkeveense Plassen are excellent for diving. In front of Zandeiland 4 a diving zone is marked with red and white colored buoys. Diving schools, instructors and individual divers must apply each year for a mandatory diving token / permit to dive here. These are only available at dive store Airdiving on Island 4. You can also buy a day permit. For diving schools and diving clubs, an annual permit is available for 1 instructor and 8 students. The Vinkeveense Plassen were created by peat cutting. Until 1886 you could walk on thick layers of peat at this location but the peat cutting, which began around the turn of the century, slowly turned this area into a lake. The lake was almost drained in the 1950s but suddenly recreationalists surfaced. The plans were canceld. Fortunately, because to this day this piece of cultural history is beautifully combined with recreation.
Request information!
Baambrugse Zuwe 1433645 AE
Diving zone Eiland 4Management and maintenance Vinkeveen Plassen
Diver friendly