'Whale jail'. 101 captured Orcas and Belugas are suffering in Russia

This article was posted on 7 November 2018
'Whale jail'. 101 captured Orcas and Belugas are suffering in Russia

Ongoing research must show whether the animals have been legally captured.

More than ninety beluga whales are held in small enclosures in a bay near the city of Nakhodka in Russia. Out of sight, eleven orcas are also housed in small enclosures. Ongoing research must show whether the animals have been legally captured. The images were made this week by cameraman, Denis Unak, and journalist Masha Netrebenko. Watch video:

Trade in whales

Local media speak of a whale prison, because of the poor living conditions in the too small enclosures. Activists are also acting out against the traders. Ocean theme parks in China are booming. The animals are said to be intended for Chinese aquariums, while they may only be caught for scientific purposes. Some animals have been in this enclosure since July of this year. The animals swim in endless patterns, waiting for their fate. 

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