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Watamula Zuid (Watamula South) is a surprising dive site on Curacao with beautiful fields of hard and soft coral. This dive site also takes its name from the Dutch word 'Watermolen', referring to the changing currents that characterize this beautiful diving location. At Watamula Zuid you never know exactly what the current will do.


Watamula Zuid is located between Watamula and Elvins Plane Wreck. Enter the water from the boat and experience Watamula. Watamula is an intense and sometimes overwhelming spectacle of hard and soft coral fields, ending in hard coral again. You don't know where to look. In addition to the stunning coral formations, you will also be amazed by the intensity of the macro life.


Watamula South has very variable currents. You never know what the current will do. Pleasure boating! Use a surface buoy.

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