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Edwin Westenberg
Indonesië, 8-12-15

Prachtige duikstek met wittip haaien in grotje en een kluit pygmeezeepaardjes in het koraal.

20 m
27 °C - 30 m

Gili Bahia is a small rocky island 30 minutes from Padang Bai. You can usually only dive in the morning, when the current is not too strong. Gili Bahia consists of slopes, steep walls and terraces. The slopes are covered with beautiful hard and soft corals and along the walls you can spot nudibranches, lionfish and pygmy seahorses. A special feature of Gili Bahia is the shark cave at a depth of 13 meters. It is a resting place for whitetip reef sharks.


The shark cave at 13 meters is a real must-see. This resting place for whitetip reef sharks offers you the opportunity to see these beautiful animals from very close by in their natural environment. Bring your camera!


Strong current. Lower than normal (21 degrees), resulting in currents from the depths.

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