Spanje, Baleares

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La Cathedral is considered to be one of Ibiza's finest dive sites. It's a dive spot like a cathedral. Just as the name says. Descend to 28 meters to the entrance of the cave. This leads to a 15-meter-high vault into which you can ascend. You've reached the cathedral. There is a second much smaller chamber attached to the cathedral, called the Chapel. La Cathedral is a habitat for shrimp and lobsters. It 's also one of the few places in the Balearic Islands where you can find red coral.


La Cathedral is located on the east coast of Ibiza, near the beach of Cala Llonga. The spot can be reached by boat in no more than 5 minutes. Descend to the entrance of the cave to visit La Cathedral. Take out your regulator after ascending in the huge air chamber of La Cathedral. Behold the high walls, the flickering lights and the enormous height before you descend again.


Diving with NITROX and the use of a diving torch is recommended. There can be pleasure boats in the vicinity of La Cathedral.

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