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John van boxtel
Maldiven, 17-09-24

C. a. 20 x een manta gespot en gefilmd en foto, s gemaakt. We waren met 5 duikers het was een bijzonder mooie.

25 m
28 °C - 24 m


Xavier en georges
Maldiven, 5-11-18

Goed zicht, zalige temperatuur, 1 manta gezien en schildpad en verschillende soorten vissen.

30 m
28 °C - 25 m


Maldiven, 6-09-18

6 manta zicht was redelijk soms veel golf slagonder water

10 m
26 °C - 15 m

Manta Point, as the name suggests, is home to manta rays. The dive site is located at the inner side of the faru, in a lagoon, which starts at 8 and ends at 25 meters. You can spot the manta's from the surface as they swim around in Manta Point's fascinating underwater world. The sandy soil is covered with small blocks, which are used as cleaning station. Eventually the sand changes into a reef that reaches a depth of 18 to 25 meters.


Watch the mantas swim around before going into the water to see these amazing animals up close. Diving at Manta point is a dive you surely will remember.


Approaching the cleaning stations to close will disturb the manta ray's natural behavior.

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