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Toon Mannie
Maldiven, 24-03-24

Eerste duik geen Manta's. S'middags uit het niets 7 stuks. Bleven de gehele duik rondcirkelen. Ook haaien en Roggen op de stek.

16 m
28 °C - 24 m

Moofushi Manta Point. The name says it all, this is where you spot manta rays. But there is more. Moofushi Manta Point also attracts many white and gray reefsharks and napoleon fish. The manta rays visit this dive site from December till April, usually to be maintained in the cleaning station that is located here. You'lll find it on the eastern corner of a large plateau, where a large block is located at a depth of 16 meters. This is where the manta rays stop to let the 'cleaners' do their job. Moofushi Manta Point is an easy dive site suitable for all levels.


Enter the water from the boat and circle the platform in search of manta rays. Enjoy all that Moofushi Manta Point has to offer.


Beware. Moofushi Manta Point has more to offer than just manta rays.

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