Nederland, Noord Brabant

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Duikersgids Support Team
Nederland, Noord Brabant 17-01-20

Slecht zicht. Er wordt hier nog zelden gedoken.

1 m
22 °C - 15 m

The Kurenpolder is an old dive site on the site of recreation park, Kurenpolder Recreation. For many years, this diving lake was home to various diving clubs. In recent years, diving has been scarce. This is mainly due to the fact that the visibility has declined considerably over the years. Paid diving. Make an appointment at the recreation park. You can dive here as a camping guest or day guest.


The Kurenpolder is only accessible via the recreation park Kurenpolder. Drive along the Kurenpolderweg until you reach the park. You can park close to the water. The best dive here is at a depth of 5 to 10 meters. You will come across large eels and pike. There are also tree trunks, concrete remnants and steel cables scattered on the bottom.


Dive site de Kurenpolder has limited visibility. Thats why there is little diving. Sharp objects under water. Watch out for your diving gear.

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