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Ronald van Drie
Cyprus, 11-07-23

Mooie duik. Goed zicht. Octopus gezien en grouper

20 m
28 °C - 11 m

The Vera K was a Lebanese freighter that ran aground in shallow water off the coast of Cyprus in 1972. The wreck initially served as a target for the Cyprus Army. In 1974, the wreck was considered unsafe for shipping traffic and blown up. As a result of the explosion, the Vera K lies in a crater at a depth of 11 meters. There are also a beautiful arch and several beautiful tunnel in close vicinity of the wreck.


The Vera K is located off the southwest coast of Cyprus near Yeroskipou Beach. The site can be reached in 25 minutes by boat from the port of Paphos. The wreck lies in parts on the bottom. Interesting areas are the bridge and the arch and tunnels which are located nearby the wreck.


There can be pleasure boats in the surroundings of the Vera K. Only experienced divers can dive through the tunnels.

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