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Bonaire, 11-04-22

Met de kleine rebel van Wannadive deze prachtige stek bezocht. nVeel Bar jack gespot

22 m
25 °C - 1 m

Forest is a beautiful dive site on Klein Bonaire (Small Bonaire). It's a great place to spot turtles and nowhere else in Bonaire you'll find as much black coral as here. Most divers, however, come for the tame fish which offer great opportunities for underwater photography. The reef runs down from 9 to 20 meters, followed by a more gradual slope towards the sandbank at 50 meters.


Forest is one of the dive sites on Bonaire where ‘cleaning stations’ can be seen. Watch tiger groupers, big jacks and rays being cleaned from parasites.


Avoid high waves. Don't dive on very windy days.

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