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Dolf Wietzema Menkhorst
Bonaire, 12-09-18

Was mijn eerste duik in het bezit van 'Open Water'. Was erg mooi rif. nGrouper / Baracuda's / Lionfish

20 m
28 °C - 26 m

Monte's Divi has a steeply descending reef, which is covered with different hard and soft corals and a variety of sponges. In the shallows many staghorn corals and finger sponges can be found. Common species at Monte's Divi are seahorses, surgeon fish and angelfish. The dive site is named after the Dividivi tree, which can be found all over the island.


Monte's Divi is a boat dive location. It's name originates from a special tree. Bonaire's Dividivi trees are often plagued by trade winds, making them grow in one direction. Here at Monte's Divi the tree stands tall and proud, in upright position.


Use a surface buoy while diving at Monte's Divi.

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