Coral restoration Marie Pampoon destroyed. All outplantings gone!
This article was posted on 15 July 2021Share to find the divers who did this.
At dive site Marie Pampoen on Curaçao, enormous damage has been done to years of outplanting. Vandals have completely destroyed the planted coral formations. Dive center Scubaçao who is responsible for the planting is full of anger and rage. They call on everyone to share this message to find the perpetrators. Divers Guide Support Team: Yaha Landman.
Diving at Marie Pampoen
"Who has been diving at Marie Pampoen for the past two weeks," recovery workers desperately ask on Facebook. "Please contact us if you know who destroyed our coral colonies at Marie Pampoen." The message is being circulated in both Dutch and English. Dive center Scubaçao became a partner of Reef Renewal Curaçao in 2018. Since then, more than 600 staghorn coral trees have been planted from which several healthy colonies have emerged. This has made a significant contribution to the recovery of the reef. The dive center says it's deeply saddened that all planted coral trees have been moved or damaged. Scubaçao calls on anyone who saw something or knows who did this to get in touch. Please share and help find the perpetrators.
Dejection among employees
Over the years, many dozens of volunteers worked on the restoration. Divers are responding with anger and are responding en masse to the call to share the message. Comments under the message express disgust and outrage. "Please speak up if you have seen anything. This is pure anti-social behavior." "Why? You'd think divers would never get this into their heads." "Sad. No respect for nature and no respect for the good intentions and hard work of another." One diver remembers diving at Marie Pampoen as recently as July 5 and the coral was still intact then. The question now is how this kind of destruction can be prevented in the future. What was built up for years with great care and effort is now gone.
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