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Irma Roodsant
Egypte, 18-12-21

mooie duik op Shaab Claude. nvolledig eromheen gezwommen, meerdere murenes gezien zelfs zwemmende!n

20 m
24 °C - 17 m


Egypte, 20-11-21

3 pinnacles naast het rif bekeken en een stukje rif. Prachtige gorgonen, clownfish, schorpioenvis

20 m
25 °C - 15 m

Shaab Claude is a relatively unknown dive site in Safaga in Egypt. The site has a clear reef with three pinnacles. There is not much diving at Shaab Claude. However, it's relatively well known because it's close to the famous Salem Express. The reef is small but beautiful and varied enough to keep you entertained for over an hour.


Shaab Claude can be reached from Safaga in one and a half hour. Enter the water from the boat in search of the reef. There is much to explore here. You'll see a wide variety of marine fish, and at the farthest pinnacle there are a number of large gorgonians.


There can be boat traffic at Shaab Claude. Make use of a surface buoy if necessary.

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