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Gemini Rock is located south of the Gemini Rock formation. The dive site is known for its beautiful rocks and steep walls. The marine life will surprise you. Large congers, octopuses and barracudas thrive at this location. Gemini Rock is also known for the memorial stone of Jacques Mayol, a French diving legend with several free diving records to his name. Mayol died on 22 December 2001. You can find his memorial stone on the east side of Gemini Rock.


Enter the water on the east side of Gemini Rock. Then dive with the rock on your right hand side. Take a look over the seagrass towards your left side, where often large schools of barracudas are spotted. Keep the rock on your right and dive through the large passage in front of you. Pass the narrow swim through at the end to reach open water once again. From here you will easily find your way back to the boat.


There is a main route for pleasure boating and other boat traffic near Gemini Rock. Use a diving flag and a buoy during the ascent.

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