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Italy, 25-05-19

Vele naakt slakken en alen verstopt in de stijlwand

12 m
17 °C - 25 m


Italy, 17-05-19

Relaxte duik langs de stijlwand veel onderwater leven te vinden deze ochtend

13 m
15 °C - 30 m


Italy, 11-05-19

Heel veel naakt slakken en barracudas. Een mooie duik langs een prachtige stijlwand

15 m
16 °C - 35 m

Punta Morcone is a beautiful dive site near the Italian island of Elba. The site has a unique steep wall, which starts at a depth of 11 meters and slopes down up to 40 meters. Dive along the wall and be amazed by the great diversity of marine life. You will find everything from small slugs to large sea eels that hide well in the many holes in the wall.


Enter the water of Punta Morcone from the boat and go down at the buoy. The buoy is located just above the steep wall. The dive route is very simple. Descend along the wall and then slowly come up again via the wall.


Beware of pleasure boats.

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