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Italy, 15-04-19

Vandaag een heerlijk duik gehad op Gemini. Mooie sepia's en kwallen

12 m
15 °C - 9 m

Gemini West is an ideal dive site for the unexperienced diver. It's a relatively quiet, shallow diving location with little current and lots of life. Many diving schools on Elba use Gemini West to make the first open water dives with their students. Dive along the numerous gorges and crevices in search of fish.


During a boat dive the boat moors close to the coast. Enter the water with the big rocks on your left hand side and dive south. Descend from 3 to 5 meters and slowly to a maximum depth of 21 meters. Turn around and follow the same way back at the southern tip of Gemini.


There is boat traffic around the rock. Use a diving flag and a buoy on the ascent.

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