Scuba diving not allowed from 31-12-2016


Nederland, Drenthe

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Duikersgids Support Team
Nederland, Drenthe 8-03-22

Verpacht aan hengelvereniging. Verbodsborden. Duiken lijkt gedoogd na overleg visclub.

3 m
9 °C - 10 m

The Hulseboschgat is a sand excavation near Zuidlaren in Drenthe where not much diving takes place. The lake is fairly shallow and has limited flora and fauna. You'll dive at an average depth of about 5 meters and you won't find much more than a few schools of perch and a pike here and there. In addition, visibility is generally very poor.


The Hulseboschgat is accessible from a grassy bank. The water has a gradual slope. The site is located in a beautiful wooded area. It will depend on the visibility whether you will make a nice dive.


The Hulschebosgat has generally poor visibility. Follow the dive logs on Divers Guide before diving here.

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