Spanje, Cantabria

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Eduard Bello & Judith Lohse
Spanje, Cantabria 22-07-17

Duikstek la Bajita. Leuk poortje. Ruwe instap, deining. Veel slijmvissen, Zee-alen. Mooie omgeving.

30 m
23 °C - 25 m


Eduard Bello/Jurgen Langenberg
Spanje, Cantabria 21-07-17

Duikstek Malpique. Jezuïeten kerkhof met 40 kruizen. Bizar mooi. Slijmvissen, murene, spinkrabben, koningsvis... Top.

30 m
22 °C - 25 m


Eduard Bello/Jurgen Langenberg
Spanje, Cantabria 21-07-17

Zeer diepe duik. Reuzen rog, veld met zee-alen, gewone rog, papagaaivissen... Mooie arc doorgang. Lokatie Malpique, La palma

30 m
22 °C - 50 m

La Isla Bonita means The beautiful island and that's exactly what it is. Most of the beauty, however, can be found underwater. Dive along the amazing rock formations full of gorgonians, anemones and sponges. All aroun you schools of fish are roaming free, while others hide between the rocks.


La Isla Bonita can be reached by boat. Start your dive at Beau de Cap Falco. Then cross the sand channel in northwestern direction until you reach the reef of La Isla Bonita. Look between the rocks to spot lobsters, crabs and cuttlefish.


There are pleasure boats present at La Isla Bonita.

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