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Bas Verdouw
Spanje, 20-04-23

Redelijk goede duiktrap, paar mooie cavernes. Inktvissen die rustig bleven zitten, sepia, murene

20 m
20 °C - 20 m


Eduard Bello + Jie-lina
Spanje, 9-08-19

Prachtige inham. Hoge afsprong. Zeezijde A-rotsen doorgang: trompetvissen. Terug via blue hole, schitterend. Sepia, slijmvissen, hagedisvis.

30 m
22 °C - 20 m


Spanje, 8-05-19

mooie duik gehad met Aquarius veel trompetvissen en slapende stingray . mooie spelonken met veel kleine kleurrijke visjes. de moeite waard.

15 m
19 °C - 20 m


Steven Stegeman
Spanje, 4-05-17

Mooie duik. Mooie murenes in de grotten en mooie swim throughs.

20 m
21 °C - 27 m

Mar Azul is a beautiful dive site with many caves. Diving at this location is only possible in calm conditions. Just in front of the coast lies a cave which you can enter, but only with no or limited swell. In the cave it's possible to ascend.


Mar Azul lies close to the city of Costa Adeje. Enter the water from the boat for a beautiful, adventurous dive.


You can only enter at Mar Azul the cave with no or limited swell. Otherwise you and your buddy will be slammed against the cave walls.

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