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Sjoerd Waals
Spanje, 8-06-24

Duik met manta diving. Stingray, schildpad en nog veel méér.

17 m
20 °C - 24 m


Dive into travel
Spanje, 3-01-23

Heerlijke duik met veel leven

17 m
21 °C - 9 m


Peter J
Spanje, 11-11-22

Gedoken met Safaridiving. Echt top! Gedoken vanaf de boot. Mooi bodemstructuur. 1 grote tandbaars, 3 zwarte murene, 1 grote engelhaai.

19 m
22 °C - 32 m


Spanje, 29-08-14

Gedoken met Safari Diving. Bootduik, goed zicht. School barracuda's, meerdere adelaarsroggen, jagende horsmakrelen, groupers. Mooie stek!

15 m
23 °C - 30 m


Steven Stegeman
Spanje, 11-07-14

Bootduik met Safari Diving. Grote rog, murene en kwallen gezien. Mooi lava landschap onder water!

15 m
22 °C - 21 m

Punta Tiñosa is a boat dive on the west side of Puerto del Carmen. This is a beautiful area full of strangely shaped lava rocks. They are formed by volcanic eruptions, because of the lava flows different layers are formed. Watch out that you do not bump into the jagged rocks, many sea urchins live among the rocks.


You dive here in a beautiful area of lava, rocks, caves and steep sloping reefs. During your dive you will spot sharks, parrot fish and crabs. In the sand, almost black in color, you will see stingrays.


Make sure your buoyancy is good! The rocks have sharp points and there are sea urchins everywhere.

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