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Floris Vekemans
Curaçao, 16-11-23

De duik was prima te doen, rit erheen met de boot van Go West Diving was prima. Een aanrader als het aan mij ligt

40 m
29 °C - 5 m

Black Coral Garden is one of the dive sites on Curaçao where except for the rare black coral, also seahorses are spotted. The reef slopes gradually, with here and there healthy coral formations. The drop off lies at 10 meters. You can see the most diverse reef fish, but also turtles are common here.


Black Coral Garden is not accessible from the shore. You will have to book a boat dive to see this beautiful reef. Underwater you'll encounter healthy coral and a wide variety of reef fish, including tarpons, barracudas and groupers. The black coral can be found at the bottom of the reef, and the seahorses thrive at shallow depths.


Black Coral Garden is only suitable for experienced divers. Dive preferably with a local guide. Diving with a surface buoy is mandatory on Curaçao.

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