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Floris Vekemans
Curaçao, 5-05-19

Nieuwe duikstek vanaf boot, ongeschonden en onbekend. Prachtig rif als je naar Kl. Knip duikt

26 m
26 °C - 20 m

Cave of Love is a beautiful reef on the west coast of Curacao with a beautiful underwater nature. The name Cave of Love refers to a dramatic love myth. In the rocky coast in front of the dive site is a cave where two lovers regularly used to meet. This went on for somel time until one of them lost his life at sea and the other threw himself off the rock. Dive south in the direction of Kleine Knip over a reef full of beautiful hard and soft corals.


Cave of Love is located between Grote en Kleine Knip. Enter the water from the boat and explore the reef. You'll see an abundance of Caribbean reef fish such as the parrot fish, the snapper and the doctor's fish. Here and there the reef is interrupted by a small area of sand where you have a chance to spot rays.


Watch out for boat traffic at Cave of Love. There are fishermen active in the area.

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