Nederland, Flevoland

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Harm jan Visser
Nederland, Flevoland 24-06-24

Een lange duik gehad 2,10 uur Heel veel jonge vis wat snoeken en de witte karper

5 m
19 °C - 10 m

The Wellerwaard is a shallow dive site next to the Castelijnsplas in the Flevopolder in Emmeloord. It's an official swimming location and to be honest not one of the most interesting dive sites. The biodiversity is limited and the deepest point is no deeper than 5.5 meters. The visibility is reasonable with values between 3 and 5 meters. This makes the Wellerwaard suitable for scuba practice or the training of diving skills.


Enter the water of the Wellerwaard from the beach. You will pass a fenced off swimming area, only after wading for at least 30 meters before reaching deeper water. Dive over the sandy bottom and focus on your exercises. Here and there you'll see schools of small fish.


The Wellerwaard is a recreational pond and an official swimming location. Be careful not to disturb the swimmers.

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