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Floris Vekemans
Curaçao, 3-05-19

Gezocht naar nurse shark, maar helaas niet gezien. Op diepte mooier dan ondiep

27 m
26 °C - 18 m


Joep en Nick
Curaçao, 30-07-15

Mushroom Forrest ontbreekt. Vandaar hier logje. Rif erg beschadigd. Ring gevlekte fluitvis van 1,5m. Langoesten. Einde duik in blauwe grot.

25 m
28 °C - 15 m

Sponge Forest is, as the name suggests, known for its sponges. They thrive at this location in all shapes, sizes and colors. The plateau lies at 8 meters deep and consists mainly of sand. The drop-off drops to a depth of 40 meters and is nicely covered with hard corals and sponges. Sponge Forest is ideal for divers who love macro.


Sponge Forest is located on the private grounds of Port San Nicolas and is therefore only accessible by boat. Take your camera, Sponge Forest is ideal for macro photography.


Sponge Forest has a secluded beach. Don't leave anything of value in your car.

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