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Robert en Marieke
Bonaire, 26-11-21

Via het strandje erin. We zijn naar links gegaan, richting Slagbaai. 2 Schildpadden, een mega papegaaivis, een steenvis gespot.

20 m
28 °C - 25 m

Wayaka 2 has a small sandy beach that gives access to a shallow plateau full of dead coral. Parrotfish and doctor fish thrive in this area. Behind the plateau begins the reef that slopes steeply to 45 meters.


Wayaka 2 can be reached from the shore. Park your car and walk to the stairs. Then enter the water via the sandy beach. The beach is only visible at low tide.


Wayaka 2 can only be reached with a four wheel drive. The road to the dive site is sometimes closed during heavy rainfall.

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