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Bart Jan Jee
Denmark, 11-05-24

Schitterend! Weinig stroom. Albino zeedonderpad, donderpad, zeesterren, wulken en botervis. Erg mooie wand begroeid met sponzen en kelp

8 m
9 °C - 22 m

Kongebrogaarden is one of the best wall dives in Denmark wit a lot of marine life including lobsters, crabs, gobies and squids. Dive along the wall and the sandy bottoms covered with kelp and algae to see what species you can discover. The dive site is named after the nearby hotel Comwell Kongebrogaarden.


Enter Kongebrogaarden next to the marina. Explore the beautiful underwater world of Kongebrogaarden but stay away from the harbor area.


Kongebrogaarden is located next to a marina. Use a dive flag and a surface buoy. Diving in the harbor area is prohibited.

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