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Søbadet, also called Seabath, is the most beautiful and popular dive site in Lillebælt in Denmark. It's a spectacular wall dive with a great variety of marine life. The underwater landscape is beautiful and lends itself perfectly to underwater photography. A colorful bottom full of kelp leaves and red algae passes you by while slowly gliding through the light green water. Marine life consists of hermit crabs, shore crabs, snails and much more. Søbadet is a versatile dive site. The site is suitable for deep diving, underwater photography, drift diving and more.


Enter dive site Søbadet within the marking by two yellow buoys. This is the official dive site marking on all Danish sea charts. Build up your set at the table in front of the entry point and enter the water from the beach. The bottom first slopes gradually and then drops down steeply to 25 meters. Enjoy the magnificent underwater world of Søbadet.


Watch out for pleasure boats. Use a dive flag and a dive buoy. Søbadet can sometime have a very strong current. Observe the buoys as indication. Toilets open on a limited basis.

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SØBADET Features

Seabath, Sobadet
Lillebælt Middelfart
Sufficient parking
75 m.
Suitable for
Advanced divers, underwater photography (macro), deep diving, drift diving
N.v.t. / NA
Free access
Toilets, tables for kitting up
Kind of dive
Shore dive, wall dive
Very strong, sometimes strong
5 - 10 m.
Average visibility
6 m.
30 m.
Goby, flatfish, red or greater hermit crab, bull-head or shorthorn sculpin, eelpout, wrasse
Other recreation
Boating, yachting

SØBADET Photos and Images

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