Verenigde Staten, Florida

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Verenigde Staten, Florida 19-11-23

We found that the accumulation of tau in and around these blood vessels was significant by 12 months of age Figure 10f, but was markedly red

1 m
21 °C - 1 m

Sand Key is an island that changes with the weather conditions. This means that you'll make a different dive every time you come here. Sand Key has a beautiful sandy bottoms and wonderful coral reefs. The clear, shallow water of Sand Key is also very suitable for snorkeling. Even inexcperienced divers like to come here because of the calm water. The northwestern part of Sand Key is most suitable for beginners.


Sand Key is located 11 km southwest of Florida Keys. It's an island, with the 33 meter high, historic Sand Key Lighthouse on top. In front of the island lies a sandbank, with the reef underneath .


Sand Key is a SPA location. Removing objects from this area is strictly forbidden. The SPA (Sanctuary Preservation Area) is part of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Beware, there is fire coral here.

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