South Africa, Western Cape

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Strawberry Rocks is an interesting dive site near Cape Town in the South African province, Western Cape. It's located in the Oudekraal Marine Protected Area (MPA). Strawberry Rocks consists of two rocks inhabited by a small colony of fur seals. Dive on the rock reef with its beautiful rock formations, swim throughs and kelp forests. If visibility is good and the seals are in a playful mood, you are almost guaranteed a great dive.


Strawberry Rocks is accessible from the shore. However, it takes a 10 minute swim to reach the reef. It's a shallow dive. The depth varies from 8 to 15 meters on the sea side of the rocks. The shallower kelp forest on the land side of the rocks varies in depth from 1 to 5 meters.


It takes a 10 minute swim tor reach Strawberry Rocks. Swimming out with southwest wind is almost impossible. Protected nature reserve. Cold water.

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