YC21 en F2 112

Groot Brittanie

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YC21 en F2

Frank Vanmaris
Groot Brittanie, 27-09-23

Twee wrakken voor de prijs van één! Grote school kabeljauw, zeebaarzen, grote leng, en natuurlijk groot geschut.

9 m
13 °C - 18 m

YC21 en F2

Willem-jan Lock
Groot Brittanie, 15-09-19

Mooie duik met veel zicht. Kanonnen gezien, zee appel, krab en nog meer leven zoals je op een wrak mag verwachten.

5 m
11 °C - 16 m

The F2 and its working vessel, the YC21, sank together during a heavy storm in 1946. The working vessel has two holds, with in one of the holds a bunch of rope and some rubbish. In the other hold you will find a gun and a workshop with a workbench, a closet and two generators where you can swim in between. You can also go forward along the workbench where you can look outside from the ship. Attention, you have to pass a narrow passage. Diving here is always done via a charter company. One and a half hour sailing time from Stromnes.


Enter the water from the boat and descend via the anchor line. Between the F2 and the YC21 runs from the back of the working vessel to the bridge of the F2. From there you can reach the front of the ship where you can even get under the bow. Once on the other side you'll find a gun just behind the breakwater. From that point on it all becomes a bit less recognizable. Follow further to the back where you will find more recognizable parts.


Penetrating a wreck, such as the F2 or the YC21, can always be dangerous. Make sure you have the right certificate and take the necessary measurements.

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YC21 en F2 Features

F2 en YC21 barge
Scapa Flow
At boat charter
90 min.
Suitable for
Advanced divers
N.v.t. / NA
Free access
Boat dive facilities
N.v.t. / NA
Kind of dive
Boat dive
5 tot 15 m.
Average visibility
5 m.
16 m.
zand en kiezel(stenen) of grind
Regular sea urchins, small-spotted catshark
Other recreation

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