
4 / 3 / 1


Niels Bosman
Bonaire, 13-11-21

Wederom duik met Lars, hij heeft me er via de baai in en uitgeloodst. Zeer mooie koralen en duik van 1,5 uur. Veel langoest gezien.

30 m
27 °C - 30 m


Robert en Marieke
Bonaire, 27-11-21

Zeer de moeite waard! Kersje op de taart was de verpleegsterhaai 🦈. Eruit via de baai waar je meegesleurd werd door de golven, fantastisch!

25 m
28 °C - 30 m


Leon en Diana
Bonaire, 27-12-19

Van rots gesprongen, Verpleegsterhaai, longnose en butterfly spotvin, langoest, groene murene, highhat, sp. drum, zonne annemoon, blenny.

10 m
28 °C - 20 m


Erik Mellaart
Bonaire, 21-05-19

Vanaf hoge rots gesprongen. Veel onderwater leven en gezien! Was zeer de moeite waard. Helaas nog veel zeewier bij het eruit gaan...

25 m
27 °C - 30 m

Boka Onima has some of the most beautiful coral reefs of Bonaire. The corals are absolutely astonishing in size, some can reach a size up to 5 meter. The numbers are just as unprecedented. You don't see large specimens here and there, its more like one amazing coral garden after the other. The coral fields can be found between 18 and 30 meters. Because of this depth they usually grow flatter, which means that they cover large parts of the bottom. Look under the corals to spot lobsters and fish. Sometimes you even find resting nurse sharks.


You can enter the water with a giant stride. Always do this in consultation with your guide to avoid dangerous situations. It's a 4 meter jump which will save you quite a bit of surface swimming. Wading in and swimming to the reef from the beach is also an option. Float from one fabulous coral garden to the other. Exit at the rocky beach inside the boka.


Always dive here with a local guide. Diving is only possible under calm weather conditions. Make the jump so you don't have to swim out of the bay. Always jump in consultation with your guide. There are large boulders underwater that have broken down from

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