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Mark en Paul
Bonaire, 24-11-21

Mooi wrak met super zicht. Veel leven op het hoger gelegen rif

40 m
25 °C - 50 m


M. Maas
Bonaire, 16-02-18

Super duik gemaakt, van 119 min/60 mtr. Aanrader gids Edward Chan/ bonairescubaschool. com/ dive@bonairescubaschool. com

20 m
25 °C - 60 m

The Windjammer, also known as the Mairi Bhan, was one of the fastest sailing ships in the world, when it sank off the coast of Bonaire in 1912. Not everyone is allowed to dive on it. A guide is required as is a sufficient qualification and a licence. The wreck lies just in front of the site of BOPEC (Bonaire Petroleum Corporation) at a depth of more than 55 meters. The Mairi Bhan was loaded with barrels of tar when she sank. The tar spilled out of the wreck, creating a tar field on the bottom.


First register at BOPEC, where your license and permit will be checked. Then the guide will take you along. After a swim at the surface the descent begins. The wreck lies upside down and can only be entered through a crack at a depth of 51 meter. The top of the wreck starts at about 48 meters. The crow's nest at 60 meters, located on the tar field, is the deepest point. The wreck can be entered. On the inside the broken barrels spilling their tar are silent witnesses of a disaster long gone by. The wreckage can be penetrated, from the bow to the crack in the middle, from the crack in the middle to the stern or as a whole.


The Windjammer is only accessible to technical divers. A permit and a BOPEC accredited guide are required. The dive can be aborted during the descent. Current in northeastern direction can take you too close to the oil terminals or, in the worst case, dir

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