
Dive site Salt Pier on Bonaire is closed until further notice
Dive site Salt Pier on Bonaire is closed until further notice. Last night, on Thursday 13 December 2018, a work incident took place after which the pier was closed. A ship mooring at the …

What is triggering all these shark attacks in Egypt?
The number of shark attacks in the Red Sea has increased in recent months. Dozens of people were seriously injured in the past eight months, but there are also deaths to regret. Diving, …

Brother Islands closed due to shark incidents
Dive site, Brother Islands, the site of choice for shark spotting in Egypt, is temporarily closed after several shark incidents have occurred. The site is closed from 7 to 31 December 2018. …

New diving wreck for Tulamben
The Indonesian diving area, Tulamben, will be enriched with a large new wreck. It's the frigate, Kri Slamet Riyadi-352. This news was announced last week by the Ocean Dive Resort Tulamben. …

'Whale jail'. 101 captured Orcas and Belugas are suffering in Russia
More than ninety beluga whales are held in small enclosures in a bay near the city of Nakhodka in Russia. Out of sight, eleven orcas are also housed in small enclosures. Ongoing research …

She reaches deep down to remove the hook
She 'reads' sharks like no one else. She 'reads' them even better than her dogs, she says. Cristina Zenato. People call her the shark whisperer. An important part of her passion is removing …

Aquarium industry harvest in Blue Heron Bridge for 7 days
The Blue Heron Bridge is a world famous dive site in Palm Beach, Florida. The site is unique and a paradise for snorkelers, divers and underwater photographers. The Blue Heron Bridge is home …

Rare Beluga whale spotted in river Thames
Moments ago a Beluga whale has been spotted in the river Thames. The Belugas was last sean near Gravesend in Kent, England. The sighting is very special. Whale spotters from all over England …

Ship Hephaestus may become a diving attraction
The small bunker tanker Hephaestus, which was damaged during a storm in Malta near Qawra in February 2018 and ran aground, possibly will become a new dive attraction. Mario Cassar of salvage …

He risked his life and got an award
A diving instructor from Byron Bay risked his life to save a frightened, grey nurse shark in a marine park off the coast of New South Wales. Inaki Aizpun received the 'Hero to Animals Award' …