
Distribution of our dive maps and other Divers Guide content is illegal.
Are you distributing Divers Guide dive maps on other websites or apps, such as those of PADI or SSI? By doing so, you are in violation. Don't take any chances. Our content is protected by …

Dutch documentary. Plans for new port piers disastrous for coral on Bonaire
Are the coral reefs of Bonaire under threat due to expansion of new harbor facilities? Yes, according to a Dutch documentary that is coming up on February 17 at 20:25 on the Dutch channel …

Huge oil spill awaits the Red Sea. Greenpeace sounds alarm
Off the coast of Yemen, one of the largest oil spills in history is in the works. The production platform, Safar, with 1.1 million barrels of crude oil on board could fail at any moment. An …

Seahorse meets cuttlefish
Seahorses and cuttlefish are often mentioned in one sentence. Both species are special and both are loved by scuba divers. Yet there is little interaction between the two and that makes this …

Coral restoration Marie Pampoon destroyed. All outplantings gone!
At dive site Marie Pampoen on Curaçao, enormous damage has been done to years of outplanting. Vandals have completely destroyed the planted coral formations. Dive center Scubaçao who is …

Dutch diver finds dead beaver during his dive
Divers from the dutch diving club, Discovery Dive, made a remarkable find at dive site Grote Hegge in the the Netherlands. One of them, Jos Rovers, stumbled upon a dead beaver. He took the …

Diver hospitalized in Germany. Physicians suspect corona vaccination
On Tuesday, March 17, 2021, a diver was hospitalized after a dive in Kreidesee Hemmoor. The man had symptoms of paralysis, among other things. The dive turned out to be perfectly executed …

No diving for 48 hours after COVID vaccination!
Soon you too will get a vaccination against Covid-19. This has implications for scuba diving! Doctors advice not to dive for at least 48 hours after the vaccination. This period should be …

Dive site Tugboat Curaçao has changed for good
Dive site Tugboat Curaçao, one of the best known dive and snorkel sites on the island, has changed for good. The old boat at the jetty, the Noble Bully, is disposed of on January 16, 2021. …

Divers break newly grown coral on Curaçao
Coral Restauration Team Curaçao this weekend announced disturbing news on social media. Divers demolished the coral which the team has grown with months of hard work in dive site Stalla …