
13 / 1 / 2 / 11


Folkert Bouma
Malta, 23-05-23

Met Janne. Schorpioenvissen, octopus, murene en roze kwal

8 m
17 °C - 20 m


Ben Leermakers
Malta, 17-09-22

Towards sand and anchor before going to reef. A dozen Flying Gurnards, little Rays, Cleaver Wrasses on sand. 50 minutes dive w. bubbling reg

20 m
28 °C - 20 m


Ben Leermakers
Malta, 17-05-22

Diving with Mark Fenech. 1st dive since September. Not too cold but still fresh. Really big octopus at Paradise Bay. Cuttle fish.

20 m
17 °C - 17 m


Ben Leermakers
Malta, 31-08-21

Relaxed 50 minute dive towards Left Arch. Not many big fish. Big octopus hiding in hole.

24 m
27 °C - 17 m


Ben Leermakers w. Mark Fenech
Malta, 13-08-21

Second training area, 2 anchors, Moray statue, beyond Left Arch, Paradise Bay, Left Arch. Moray Eel, Octopus, Triton's Trumpet Sail, Jacks

25 m
26 °C - 15 m


Ben Leermakers w. Corsair Diving
Malta, 13-04-21

Great dive to the two anchors at the left reef. Trying to find some rays on the sand to no avail. Lots of sepia eggs though. Chris leading. n

25 m
18 °C - 20 m


Ben Leermateriaal, Mark Fenech
Malta, 31-07-19

Nice relaxed dive towards Left Arch Lots of small fish, some hunting jacks. Amphores are very visible.

20 m
27 °C - 15 m


Ben Leermakers w. Corsair Diving Malta
Malta, 24-06-17

Excellent dive with Christina Borner at Left Reef. Went to sand plains, found octopus and groupers.

20 m
19 °C - 20 m


Ben Leermakers w. Corsair Diving Malta
Malta, 15-03-17

Interesting dive with loads of life. Rare transparent Moray Larva, few Octopus, Squid Eggs, Big Anemone Hermite Crab, big Dentex, Amberjack

20 m
16 °C - 20 m


Ben Leermakers w. Buddies Dive Cove
Malta, 3-11-16

2 nice shallow dives along Right & Left reef. Fried Egg Jellyfish, one as big as a weddingcake. Octopus, Groupers, hunting Jacks and Tuna.

20 m
24 °C - 20 m


Ben Leermakers, Mark Fenech
Malta, 1-10-16

65 minutes dive on Cirkewwa Amphores and Left Arch. Octopus, Dusky Grouper, Breams, Striped Grouper. Nice rocky formations and swimtrough.

25 m
24 °C - 15 m


Ben Leermakers, Mark Fenech
Malta, 28-08-16

A great 60 minute dive with Mark towards Left Arch. Saw hunting Amberjacks on shoals of little fish. Groupers, Big parrotfish, octopus. NICE

20 m
25 °C - 14 m


Ben Leermakers
Malta, 22-08-16

With Buddies Dive Cove. 2 excellent dives. Unusual route on left reef and sandy bottom. BIG flying gurnards, moray eel, octopus, stingray.

20 m
18 °C - 28 m

Amphores or Left Reef is less known as a diving route in Cirkewwa but still interesting. Very different from the dive to the P29 or Tugboat Rozi there's a passage between massive boulders, where a few 'fake' amphoras have been placed on the bottom. The many trenches, crevasses, holes and large pebbles between the rocks and big boulders make Cirkewwa Amphores a great dive site to explore. With sufficient air you can also reach the arch in Paradise Bay, just around the corner at 10 meters depth, called 'Ben's Arch' or 'Left Cirkewwa Arch'. There are parking spaces reserved for divers. Always take your diving certificate with you and place it behind your windscreen.


Enter the water at Susies Pool or at the concrete staircase that is located towards Paradise Bay. Now descend along the massive rock formations.


Busy is summer season. There are parking spaces reserved for divers. Always take your diving certificate with you and place it behind your windscreen.

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Cirkewwa Left Reef or Amphores, Marfa Point Amphores
Triq Il- Marfa, Il-Mellieħa, Marfa Point
Sufficient parking
20 m.
Suitable for
All levels (beginners under supervision), underwater photography
N.v.t. / NA
Free access, stairs or ladder, sloping path with handrail
Accessible toilet, showers, snack car, cafetaria at ferry harbour
N.v.t. / NA
Kind of dive
Shore dive, reef dive , explorer dive
Sometimes strong from southwest to north-east, limited, variable
10 - 40 m.
Average visibility
25 m.
10 - 30 m.
rotsblokken, grind of kiezel(stenen), rotsen, zand en zeegras
Barracuda, double banded bream, scorpionfish, common hermit crab, amberjack, mediterranean moray or roman eel, common octopus, parrotfish, ornate- or turkish wrasse, flying gurnard, black faced blenny, painted comber, saddled bream
Other recreation
Swimming and snorkeling

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