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Tim en Mieke
Aruba, 24-08-24

Met de boot naar het wrak gevaren. Wrak ligt op ong 16 m diep. Heel erg veel verschillende vissen rondom het wrak.

24 m
27 °C - 15 m


Martijn Wolfert
Aruba, 10-10-19

Mooi wrak met veel leven. Schildpadden, stonefish, clownfish. Wel erg veel duikers op het moment dat wij er waren.

15 m
29 °C - 20 m


Marc Verhaegen
Aruba, 6-12-18

Mijn eerste duik op Aruba, 3 boot duiken per dag, reeds aan 11 en nog niet gedaan, vele riffen en wrakken om naar te duiken. Super veel leven

25 m
26 °C - 30 m

The Antilla is Aruba's most popular dive site. It's a German cargo ship from 1939 that was sinked by its own crew on 10 May 1940, after the Netherlands and Germany entered into war with each other. The ship is completely covered with soft corals and sponges and around the wreckage it is crawling with fish. The Antilla Wreck lies 700 meters off the cost of Aruba on a bare sandy bottom at a maximum depth of 16 meters. That makes the Antilla also a nice location for snorkelers.


Enter the water from the boat to dive on the Antilla. The wreck contains numerous places where fish or moray eels can take shelter. It's worth taking a lamp with you to shine in the dark corners and rooms. Type: German freighter. Cargo: Sulphur. Length: 121,4 m. Width: 17 m. Height: 6,9 m. Highest point: 5 m. Deepest point: 16 m. Construction yard: Deutsche Werf, Hamburg.


Antilla Wreck is a very popular and busy dive spot. Many divers, snorkelers and boats. Preferably ascend via the descent line. Very mild current, despite its location on the open sea.

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