Spanje, Cantabria

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Raul, Miranda & Ton
Spanje, Cantabria 3-05-19

Top duik gemaakt. Verschillende slakjes (oa de grote doris van 12cm) octopus, steenvis, schorpionvis, kokerworm, langoest, murene, grarnalen

8 m
14 °C - 24 m


Ton, Miranda, Ramon & Raul
Spanje, Cantabria 25-04-18

Betoverende plek, gedoken met Fosca Divers. slakjes, platworm, lipvis, octopus, dahlia, kokerworm, langoest en heel veel meer. Topduik!

9 m
-2 °C - 25 m

Cala Magarida is an interesting dive site in an idyllic location. It's a dive site with a slowly descending bottom and a beautifully vegetated rocky coastline, where it's full of fish, anemones, plants and other marine life. It's recommended to make your first dive here with a local diver or diving school. There are diving schools in the area that can provide you with information and guidance.


Cala Margarida is located near a residential area. Walk past the old beach houses to the entry point., then enter the water via the old ramp, with pebbles on both sides. Enjoy the beautiful under water nature of Cala Margarida.


It's recommended to make your first dive here with a local diver or diving school. Cala Margarida is located in a residential area, be discreet. Not suitable for groups.

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