Spanje, Cantabria

2 / 1 / 5


Ton 🤿
Spanje, Cantabria 11-09-24

Bootduik met Gidive. Veel kleur door gorgonia’s en anemonen. Diverse slakjes, schorpioenvis, galathea, lipvis, murene, zeevlinder, barracuda

11 m
21 °C - 31 m


Ton & Miranda
Spanje, Cantabria 6-10-23

Bootduik met Gidive Palamos. Mooie kleuren gorgonia's, steenvis, slakjes (oa giant doris), grote school sardines met jagende baracuda's

12 m
-2 °C - 26 m

Dive site Ullastre 2 is an underwater mountain. Just off the coast of the Spanish resort of Llafranc are three fantastic underwater mountains, called Els Ullastres or Los Ullastres. Ullastre 2 is the middle of the three. The northern walls are beautifully overgrown with gorgonians and the rock wall is teeming with life. Ullastre 2 has more depth difference than Ullastre 1, with its top at 8 meters depth.


Enter the water from the boat to discover the walls of Ullastre 2. You'll find everything from octopuses and groupers to rays and barracudas. Ullastre 2 has a gradually sloping wall that extends to 53 meters.


Beware of boat traffic at dive site Ullastre 2. Take your diving lamp with you.

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