Verenigde Staten, Florida

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Max Flikkema
Verenigde Staten, Florida 6-05-17

Heel mooi duingebied. Verpleegstershaai en bara uda gezien. Niet diep dus lange duiktijd.

9 m
28 °C - 10 m

Molasses Reef is one of the most beautiful reef formations in Florida. Molasses Reef is actually much more than a dive site. It is a vast coral reef with drop-offs, caves and wrecks. Spanish Anchor, Winch Hole and Fire Coral Caves are some of the separate dive sites you will find in the Molasses Reef. The name Molasses Reef would refer to a ship that perished here, with a large cargo of Melassa. However, there is no certainty about this.


Enter the water from Molasses Reef from the boat. Be careful. Special marine marshals patrol this area to prevent destruction of the vulnerable coral. Just a touch can endanger the health of the coral.


Molasses Reef was damaged by a shipwreck in 1984. Damaged areas are marked and should be avoided.

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